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How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam & Tips to Avoid It

How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam & Tips to Avoid It

How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam & Tips to Avoid It




Feb 27, 2025

woman sitting alone and sending mails - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam
woman sitting alone and sending mails - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam
woman sitting alone and sending mails - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam
woman sitting alone and sending mails - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam
woman sitting alone and sending mails - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Picture this: You've crafted the perfect email. The subject line is compelling, the copy is clear and engaging, and your call to action is unmistakable. But instead of opening your email, your recipient's email provider has banished it to the spam folder. Emails get marked as spam for a variety of reasons, and one of those reasons is sending too many emails too quickly. So how many emails can you send before it is considered spam? This article will help you understand the ins and outs of this question so that you can develop effective strategies to improve your cold email deliverability and enhance engagement with your campaigns. 

Inframail's email infrastructure can help you achieve your goals by providing the tools you need to ensure your messages reach the inbox. With Inframail, you can build your email sending reputation so that your hard-earned emails get delivered, instead of routed to the spam folder.

Table of Contents

Why is Avoiding the Spam Folder Important?

gmail loaded up - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam Folders: Where Emails Go to Die

Emails that land in spam folders are like the black sheep of the email family. No one wants them, and they are seldom acknowledged, even if they do contain some valuable information. Instead, they are neglected and forgotten, which can harm both email senders and recipients.

Sure, spam folders exist to protect users from unsolicited and potentially harmful emails. However, what happens when an email from a business an individual has opted to receive goes to the spam folder? Chances are, the person will never see it. This is the immediate consequence of landing in spam: diminished visibility. Most individuals seldom visit their spam folders, leading to an inevitable decrease in open rates. This lack of engagement severely limits the effectiveness of your email campaigns or personal communications, curtailing opportunities for interaction and response. 

Spam Folder Emails Hurt Sender Reputation

Continuous relegation to the spam folder can seriously impair your sender reputation. Email providers use dynamic spam filters that learn from user interactions. A deteriorating sender score increases the likelihood that your emails, including those to explicit subscribers, will be misdirected to spam, further entrenching the problem. 

Wasted Resources

Every email sent represents: 

  • Investment of time

  • Effort

  • Financial resources

Emails that need to catch up by ending up in spam translate to squandered resources, diminishing the return on your investment and reducing the efficiency of your outreach efforts. 

Spam Folders Create Negative Subscriber Experience

For individuals who have opted to receive your communications, consistent misplacement into spam creates a negative user experience. This can lead to missed critical updates or exclusive offers, potentially driving them away or leading to unsubscriptions. 

Spam Folders Can Lead to Legal Trouble

Non-compliance with email communication regulations, like the CAN-SPAM Act, risks your emails being flagged as spam and can entail legal repercussions. Such violations can carry hefty fines, emphasizing the importance of adhering to legal standards in email marketing. 

Spam Folders Lead To Loss of Business or Opportunity

Beyond the immediate impacts, being labeled a spammer can lead to significant losses in business or opportunities. Potential leads may never see your proposals, offers, or partnership requests. This loss of visibility can directly impact your bottom line, stifling growth and hampering the acquisition of new clients or customers.


Related Reading

Automated Lead Generation
Email Prospecting
How to Generate B2B Leads
How to Warm Up Email Domain
Best Time to Send Cold Emails
How to Cold Email
Best Cold Email Templates B2B
Email Outreach Best Practices
Email Outreach Strategy

How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considering Spam?

man checking his mailbox - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Before discussing how many cold emails to send per day, it’s important to understand the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs.

Here are the cold email sending limits for popular email service providers (ESPs):

ESPSending Limit/DayStarting PriceFree TrialG Workspace2000 emails$1.64/user/month14 daysOffice 36510,000 emails$1.73/user/month30 daysYahoo Mail500 emails$5/month14 daysGo Daddy1500 emails$0.41/user/monthN/AHush Mail2000 emails$11.99/monthN/AProtonMail10,000 emails$4.35/user/monthN/A

We have not mentioned the email sending limits from free/personal accounts because it is not recommended to send emails from them as they are more likely to get spammed soon. You should always send cold emails from work email accounts. 

Spam Limits of Cold Emails

You should know the imposed email sending limit and spam limit. In the table, we have mentioned the ESPs' imposed email-sending limits; however, as per best cold emailing practices, NO ONE should send this many emails from one email account.

You should always find the gray area where you can play safe. That’s why we came up with the Spam limits. ESPs do not give spam limits but are something that we have developed after sending cold email campaigns for 7-8 years.

So, what is the Spam Limit? A spam limit is a certain volume of emails sent. After reaching this limit, if you send more emails, they will start going to spam.

How to Warm Up Email Accounts and Protect Domain Reputation for Cold Emailing

We have given the spam limit for G-Workspace and Office 365 as they are the two most commonly used ESPs for cold emailing.

Spam Limit for G-Workspace and Microsoft is 150 emails per email account. We recommend sending 150 emails per day, but not initially. This should only be done after warming up your account for at least a month.

Our cold emailing experts also recommend creating 3-5 email accounts with 1 domain to protect the sender reputation of your domain.

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day

Now, you can use the number of email accounts and the spam limit to determine how many cold emails to send per day with this simple formula:

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day = Spam Limit/Email Addresses in the Campaign

So, in this case, 150 / 3 = 50 emails

This means you can send 50 emails per day from one email account. Once you have built a good sender reputation and hit 150 emails, you can gradually increase the number of cold emails. 

Why Does the Number of Cold Emails You Send Matter?

1. Protecting Your Domain's Deliverability with Cold Email Volume

Cold emails have limits. Whether you are sending cold emails for the first time or the ten-thousandth time, you must be careful not to send too many at once. Doing so can get you into trouble. Remember, every email account has limits on how many cold emails can be sent in a day. 

Email Sending Limits & Spam Risks: How to Keep Your Outreach Out of the Spam Folder

What happens if you cross the limits? There is a high chance of your email account being flagged as spam. In layman’s terms, emails sent from email providers will start landing your emails in recipients’ spam folders. Yes, Google, Outlook, Proton mail, whatever ESP you use to send emails. (I’ll explain the daily email-sending limits later in this blog) 

Why it matters: 

If your emails don’t reach the recipients’ primary inboxes, the time, effort, and money you spend on your outreach campaigns will be wasted. (Being a CEO, marketer, or business professional, you can’t afford that)

2. Saving Your Sender Reputation from Getting Messed Up

Think of your sender reputation as your trust score with email service providers. If you send too many cold emails and don’t get engagement, you are probably damaging your sender’s reputation. Trust me, fixing damaged reputations for email accounts is a difficult job. I have resolved these issues in the past. 

Why it matters: 

A good sender reputation for your email domain helps keep your emails out of spam folders and helps your outreach campaigns achieve the desired results.

3. Improving Engagement Rates of Cold Email Campaigns

Think about which types of emails you would generally like to read first. It doesn’t matter if you have time. Either way, the emails that provide value, teach, or educate you at least have personalization, right? Sending too many emails at once doesn’t work or deliver results in cold email campaigns, especially when the emails are generic. 

Why it matters: 

The quality of emails matters more than the quantity. Domain reputation, the age of the domain, and goals matter, but writing an email draft is more important.

4. Testing and Optimizing Your Cold Email Campaigns

The number of cold email outreach allows you to test and optimize your campaigns based on the results you obtain. The reason is the more emails you send, the more data you collect. Your campaigns’ data lets you understand what works best for you and what does not. (You can name it based on subject lines, CTAs, timing, or the level of personalization.) 

Why it matters: 

Once you analyze your results, you can tweak your email campaigns, which will help you respond more to cold emailing over time.

5. Knowing When to Scale Your Cold Email Outreaching

You must reach more people and grab more opportunities to grow your business. In cold emailing, the number of outreach emails is directly connected to your ability to scale your campaigns. I’ve experienced that you should understand how many emails you can send daily without sacrificing your deliverability score. Finding the correct number for your cold campaigns helps you to scale your outreach efforts accordingly. For example, if you’re starting with a new domain, sending 20 emails daily is enough. 

Finding the Right Cold Email Volume: Balancing Outreach Quantity & Personalization

Over time, you can gradually increase your outreach to 50 emails daily to hit your goals. When deciding how many cold emails to send daily, aiming for 50 to 100 is a reliable range. To stay safe, you can stick to 20 to 50 emails daily. Whenever you email your prospects, ensure you have correctly targeted lists, subject lines, and clear CTAs for your readers. You should emphasize quality and quantity. If your email domain is new, send small numbers or batches of emails. You must find the right balance between email volume and personalization to make your campaigns successful.

How Many Emails Can You Send Before It's Considered Spam?

woman following safety procedures - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam thresholds determine whether your emails land in the inbox or the spam folder. The lower the threshold, the better. If your cold emails trigger a threshold, the emails may get blocked or sent to spam instead of delivered to your prospect’s inbox. Factors determining spam thresholds include ISP policies, email service provider limits, and anti-spam filter algorithms.

How Many Cold Emails Can I Send Safely?

While spam thresholds are hard to predict, general guidelines exist on how many cold emails you can send daily without attracting attention. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended daily limits for different scenarios.

o determine how many cold emails to send, you can use this formula: 

Formula to Determine Cold Emails Per Day per Account

Total email sending limit per domain ÷ Number of email accounts = Emails per account per day.

Example Calculation: 

If your email provider allows 150 emails per domain per day, and you have 3 email accounts, the calculation is 150 ÷ 3 = 50 emails per account per day. Each account can safely send 50 cold emails daily without exceeding the recommended limits.

The most obvious question you would have here is about email sending limits. You might be thinking about sending different ESPs via email. 

Email Sending Limits by Provider

Different email service providers (ESPs) have other limits on how many emails you can send before they classify your messages as spam. If you do hit a provider's limit, the consequence is often that your account gets temporarily suspended or blocked. Below are some quick facts about cold email sending limits for the most prominent providers.

Free Gmail Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

100 messages maximum via SMTP (but 500 emails via browser).

Per hour: 

There is no official information. Sending no more than 20 messages an hour from a free Gmail account is good.

Additional good-to-know: 

If you exceed Gmail’s limit for sending emails, your account will get blocked for 1-24 hours. 

Why You Should Use a Custom Domain for Cold Email Outreach

We usually don’t recommend sending cold email campaigns from a regular free Gmail account but setting up an address on a separate domain using Workspace Google (formerly G Suite) instead. This gives you more excellent opportunities as to the outreach volume and more control over your sending settings. Read more about the difference between a free email account and a custom domain email here. Plus, your recipients will treat you more seriously if they get an email from an address including a business domain rather than from So, if you use a free Gmail account for your outreach, ensure the address looks safe and legitimate to your recipients. 

Cold Email Best Practices: Why Quality Matters More Than Quantity

It’s crucial to remember that controlling the quantity of your outreach is one thing, but there’s also the quality to take care of. If you send poor-quality cold emails without personalization to numerous non-verified addresses, your provider may block you even before you hit the quantity limit. Especially if your provider is Gmail, remember that quality is even more important than quantity in this respect. 

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

2,000 messages (500 on trial)

Per hour:

Officially, there are no hourly limits

Additional good-to-know: 

If you exceed the limits, your account will be blocked for up to 24 hours. Just like in the case of a free Gmail account, the quality of your messages is tremendously essential for deliverability, and poor deliverability may cause your account to be blocked before you even reach the quantity limit. If I get blocked even though I send a limited number of messages, I check my email copy for spam words, broken links, html-to-text rate, and lack of personalization.

Understanding Google Workspace Email Sending Limits & How to Increase Them

If Google’s anti-spam mechanisms find anything that may suggest your emails may be spam, I will get blocked. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it: one of the most effective ways to prevent spam from getting into people’s inboxes is preventing people from sending spam in the first place.

Important Google Workspace information: 

After upgrading your Google Workspace account from trial to premium, you won’t automatically have 2000 messages to send daily. You need to wait to increase your limits. But you can increase the limits sooner. Just read the direct resource on how to do that. 

Office365 Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

10,000 recipients

Per hour: 

There’s no hourly limit, but a limit per minute, which is 30 messages max

Additional good-to-know: 

If you take your outreach seriously, you won’t even get close to the daily limit of Office 365. 10K per day sounds ridiculous for quality email outreach. But be aware of the limit per minute, mainly if you use some automation to send your outbound campaigns. Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

300 emails maximum for verified email addresses with a good reputation. What does it mean that an email address is verified and has a good reputation? determines your email address reputation based on factors such as: 

  • Your email account’s age (if it’s less than 30 days old, your email sending limits are lower)

  • How often do you use my account (the more often, the better my reputation gets)

  • Is my email account verified (you can verify it using this link)?  

GoDaddy (Workspace Email Accounts) Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

250 recipients, but you can increase the limit up to 500 for an extra cost

Per hour: 

Maximum 300 messages per hour; max. 200 messages per minute

Additional good-to-know: 

It’s easy to hit the daily recipients limit if you send a few campaigns with follow-ups using automation. So, if I send a few campaigns with follow-ups, I schedule the messages within all my campaigns for various days of the week. Or, I could use more than one email address to ensure that my first-touch emails and follow-ups don’t overlap in a way that will prevent me from sending them.

How to Avoid Exceeding Email Sending Limits with Woodpecker and GoDaddy

As to the limit per minute, using Woodpecker will prevent you from exceeding it. Even if I were trying very hard to send more, I wouldn’t be able to send more than six emails per minute. Be smart when setting the delivery hours for your messages, though. If I set a single-hour window and decide to send my campaign to more than 300 prospects, I’ll be dangerously close to GoDaddy’s hourly limit.

Rackspace Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

10,000 recipients

Per hour: 

No official information about an hourly limit

Additional good-to-know: 

From my experience, Rackspace pays more attention to the quality of your messages than their quantity. Don’t get easily misled by the 10K daily limit. If I’m sending low-quality emails using Rackspace, I’ll get blocked much sooner than that. Remember that it’s very much about how many of my emails arrive. If they are classified as spam by anti-spam filters or, worse, by my prospects, I may be blocked after just a few hours from hitting ‘send.’ 

BlueHost Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

I couldn’t find direct info about BlueHost’s daily sending limit.

Per hour: 

BlueHost allows for sending a maximum of 150 emails per hour with a frequency of 70 emails per 30 minutes.

Additional good-to-know: 

BlueHost says you can increase the hourly limit once you have a valid reason. Just contact their support team. After I experience an email bounce, I’ll either get a warning or a time-out error. BlueHost will disable my account until it is reviewed. Once the account is cleared, it will be activated within 24 hours. 

DreamHost Email Sending Limit

Per hour: 

100 recipients per hour when it comes to sending a single message

Additional good-to-know: 

A sending frequency of no greater than 25 emails per 15 minutes is required to send 5 different messages to 5 recipients. I can configure an announcement list to send a single email to many recipients. 

Yahoo! Mail Plus Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

Maximum 500 emails a day. Each email can be sent to a maximum of 100 recipients. Each email recipient counts as one email towards the 500 daily limit.

Per hour: 

There is no official information concerning the hourly limit, but some sources claim it’s 100 emails/hour  

Yandex.Mail Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

500 emails (if the email has several recipients, each counts separately towards your total). 

Host Gator Email Sending Limit

Per day: 


Per hour: 

Set to 500 emails per domain – each subdomain gets its limit of 500 emails/hour

Additional good-to-know: 

A mailing list containing over 900 addresses can only be sent during off-peak hours. A mailing list of over 5,000 requires a dedicated server or VPS hosting solution from Host Gator. Dividing the list into smaller ones is not permitted. Such limits shouldn’t worry you, though, as sending such a quantity of emails is against the very idea of cold emailing. Quality above quantity! 

IMPORTANT: Avoid Spikes in Your Mailbox Activity

Setting more extended periods for sending a message to a larger group of prospects is always a good idea because particular messages are being sent less frequently, and there are no spikes in your email account’s activity. If I have an email account dedicated to outbound and barely send anything from this account daily, but then suddenly I’m trying to send 300 emails in one hour, this just looks suspicious to any email provider. The key is to organize my outreach to allow a fluent, steady flow of outgoing messages. 

Why ‘Golden Hours’ Don’t Apply to Cold Email Campaigns

I bet someone has told you at least once in your life that there are some “golden hours” for sending emails (you surely know, the “don’t send on Mondays, send on Tuesdays before lunch” kind of advice). You might be tempted to schedule all my campaigns to be sent on Tuesdays between 10 and 11 a.m. Well, brace yourself and resist this temptation! This isn’t a newsletter—it’s a cold email (check the difference here). 

Finding Your Own 'Golden Hours' for Cold Email Campaigns

And I believe there’s no universal “golden hours” to send emails. You must discover the “golden hours” for your prospect group. And if you send automatically, give your emails more time than just one hour to get sent more naturally to avoid getting blocked for an alarming, unnatural spike in your mailbox activity.

How Can You Send a Higher Volume of Cold Emails Without Putting Your Domain at Risk? 

Now, you must be wondering what if you want to exceed the limit of sending 150 emails per day and scale your cold email outreach efforts to generate more leads. Well, we recommend getting a new email account rather than increasing the number of emails from the same account.

Okay, so now you have multiple email accounts. You have to warm them up over time, keep track of how many emails you send, and gradually increase the number of cold emails. Worried about the time and effort required for manual execution? That’s exactly where cold email automation software like Inframail comes in.

What Will Happen If You Don’t Follow Cold Email Sending Limits? 


Limits are set for a REASON. If you don’t adhere to the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs, your email accounts will most likely be suspended for 24 hours or banned permanently.

If you keep sending many emails from the same email account and a big percentage of emails bounce back due to an exceeded ESP limit, it can seriously harm your sender’s reputation and risk your brand image. 

Other Mistakes to Avoid While Sending Cold Emails?

Here are some common cold email mistakes that are non-negotiables; otherwise, no one can save you from landing in the spam folder: 

1. Forgetting to Warm Up Your Email Accounts

We have stressed this point since the start of our blog. You can’t take an email address and start shooting 100 emails from your inboxes. Otherwise, ESPs will see you as a spammer. 

You have to warm up your email accounts slowly over time. You can either warm up your email accounts or use warm-up tools to automate the entire process. Although email warmup tools can cost you a few bucks, they are totally worth it, considering the benefits. 

2. Using Your Primary Domains To Send Cold Emails

Using your primary domain for cold emailing is the worst mistake. We know you are sending emails legitimately, but there is a slight probability that they will mark them as spam.

If you use your primary domain, you are putting its reputation at a direct risk. (Think about it!) Otherwise, all your brand communications will be hampered; reserve emails from your primary domain for internal team communications and opt-in marketing emails. 

3. Not Buying Email List From a Reliable Source

Another cold email mistake we have encountered among our users is not buying email lists from credible sources. When you send emails to invalid addresses, they will bounce back, damaging your sender’s reputation. Make sure you avoid this mistake at all costs. 

4. Not Using Relevant Subject Lines

Do you know why many cold emails go unnoticed? Because they are not sending emails with relevant subject lines. Hence, you should always send your cold emails with relevant cold email subject lines that are: 

  • Shorter

  • Personalized

  • Interesting

5. Not A/Z Testing Your Cold Emails 

If you want to see an increase in metrics like open rate, reply rate, etc., then you should test them. Running A-Z tests can help you understand your prospects better. You can send different variants of subject lines, CTAs, and email copies that resonate more with your target prospects.

6. BTW, beware of spikes in your mailbox activity

It’s always a good idea to set longer periods for sending a message to a larger group of prospects because particular messages are being sent less frequently, and there are no spikes in your email account’s activity. If you have an email account dedicated for outbound and barely send anything from this account daily, but suddenly you’re trying to send 300 emails in one hour, this looks suspicious to any email provider. 

The key is to organize your outreach to allow a fluent, steady flow of outgoing messages.

Finding the Best Send Times for Cold Emails: Why ‘Golden Hours’ Don’t Always Apply

I bet someone has told you at least once in your life that there are some “golden hours” for sending emails (you surely know, the “don’t send on Mondays, send on Tuesdays before lunch” kind of advice). So you might be tempted to schedule all your campaigns to be sent on Tuesdays between 10 and 11 am. Well, brace yourself and resist this temptation! This isn’t a newsletter – it’s cold email (check the difference here).

And I believe there’s no universal “golden hours” to send emails. You must discover the “golden hours” for your prospect group. And if you send automatically, give your emails more time than just one hour to get sent more naturally to avoid getting blocked for an alarming, unnatural spike in your mailbox activity.

Related Reading

Best Cold Email Software
How Long Should a Cold Email Be
B2B Cold Email Response Rates
How to Improve Email Deliverability
Unlimited Email Hosting
Email Testing Tools
Best Email Deliverability Tools
Sales Email Automation Tools
Email Scraping Tools
Best Sales Prospecting Tools
Email Warm Up Tools
Email Personalization Tools
Mailscale Alternatives
Mailforge Alternatives

Best Practices to Keep Your Emails Out of the Spam Folder

man following best practices - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam filters act as gatekeepers, determining whether your email message deserves a spot in the recipient's primary inbox or the spam folder. Here’s how to ensure visibility: 

Know the Filters

Email providers use spam filters to protect users from unwanted emails. Familiarizing yourself with these filters, especially Gmail spam filters, can help you understand what triggers them.

Avoid Spam Triggers

Certain behaviors, like sending bulk emails with invalid email addresses or using suspicious subject lines, can trigger spam filters. Ensuring your email content is: 

  • Clear

  • Relevant

  • Engaging minimizes the risk

Did You Know? Intriguing Facts About Spam Traps

Spam Traps Are Like Hidden Digital Moles 

Did you know that email service providers and anti-spam organizations secretly sprinkle the internet with spam traps? These aren't regular email addresses; they're designed to catch and block spammers, significantly harming sender reputation.

They Come in Disguises

Spam traps can look just like any other email address. Some are recycled from old, inactive accounts, while others are created to lure in spammers. This means regular list hygiene is crucial to avoid these traps.

A Spam Trap Can Age Like Fine Wine 

The longer a spam trap exists, the more effective it becomes. Over time, these addresses are distributed across various blacklists, becoming more potent in identifying and penalizing improper list management practices.

Protect Your Sender Score to Improve Email Deliverability

Your sender score is like a credit rating for your email domain, influencing whether your emails are delivered to the inbox or marked as spam. 

Here's how to safeguard it: 

Monitor Your Email Practices

Regularly check for spam traps and avoid behaviors considered spam, such as inconsistent sending frequency or sending mass emails without personalization.

Adopt Best Practices

Utilize a sender policy framework (SPF) and maintain a clean list of email addresses to send bulk emails without falling into spam traps. Also, engaging your target audience with relevant content ensures your emails are anticipated and welcomed.

How to Send Bulk Emails Without Risking Blacklisting

Sending bulk emails requires a delicate balance to avoid the pitfalls of blacklisting. 

Here’s how to proceed: 

Mind Your Email Addresses

Ensure every email on your list is valid. Regularly cleaning your list reduces bounce rates and avoids spam traps.

Content Matters

Every email message should provide value to your recipients. Avoid spammy content that could trigger spam filters and lead to poor domain reputation.

Clean IP Addresses and Avoiding Spam Traps: What You Need to Know

Your IP address is like your email's fingerprint. A clean IP suggests trustworthy sending practices, while a compromised one can lead to blacklisting.

Avoiding Spam Traps: Spam traps look like regular email addresses but are used to catch spammers. Sending mail to just a few can harm your sender score. Regular list maintenance and sender policy framework (SPF) checks can help avoid these pitfalls.

Use Double Opt-In and Manage Email Frequency

Double Opt-In

This process ensures those receiving your emails genuinely want them, enhancing engagement and protecting your sender reputation.

Email Frequency

Find the sweet spot in your sending frequency. Too many emails can annoy subscribers and lead to spam complaints, while too few may diminish your visibility.

Enhancements for Your Emails: Driving Engagement and Conversion

Increased Website Traffic and Conversions

Tailor your email marketing campaigns with compelling calls to action and links to your website.

Measurable Results and Analytics

Use analytics to track the performance of your email campaigns, adjusting strategies based on data.

Personalization and Customization

To ensure content relevance, address your recipients by name and segment your email lists.

Cost-Effective Communication

Email remains one of the most cost-effective marketing tools, allowing for significant ROI.

Increased Reach and Audience Engagement

Engaging content captivates and expands your audience as your emails are shared beyond the initial recipient list.

Increasing Your Sender Reputation: Simple Steps

A strong sender reputation improves deliverability and lowers the risk of getting blacklisted. Let's discuss establishing and keeping a good sender reputation by following best practices in your email campaigns.

Use Reliable IP Addresses 

Consistency is Key: Using a dedicated IP address for sending bulk emails can help maintain a consistent sender reputation. Most email service providers recommend this for volume senders.

Check IP Reputation

Before sending out a mass email campaign, verify that your IP address isn't already on a blacklist. A clean IP address is crucial for avoiding spam traps and maintaining a positive reputation.

Avoid Using Dodgy Links and Attachments 

Quality Over Quantity: Ensure every link and attachment in your email messages is relevant and safe. Malicious or broken links can trigger spam filters, damaging your reputation.

Scan for Malware

Use outbound security protocol checks to ensure that attachments are virus-free. This precaution helps avoid your emails being marked as spam or infecting your recipients' systems.

Use a Double Opt-In

Consent Matters

Implementing a double opt-in process for new email addresses helps ensure that your recipients genuinely want to receive your communications, reducing the likelihood of spam complaints.

Build Engagement 

This approach protects your sender score and builds a more engaged and interested audience for your marketing emails.

Use a Good SMTP Server

Reliability and Security

Choosing a reputable email service provider with a robust SMTP server ensures your bulk emails are sent securely and reliably, minimizing delivery issues and spam filter triggers.

Set Up DKIM, DMARC, and SPF Records Correctly

Proper setup of these email authentication methods verifies your email's origin and legitimacy, significantly boosting email deliverability and protecting your sender domain from spoofing.

Keep a check on the sending frequency.

Maintaining an optimal sending frequency is essential. Overloading your subscribers with too many emails can lead to higher unsubscribe rates and spam complaints while sending too infrequently might diminish your presence in their inbox.

Include an Unsubscribe Link

Providing a clear and accessible unsubscribe link in every email campaign is a best practice and a legal requirement under laws like the CAN-SPAM Act. It helps maintain a healthy email list and a positive sending reputation.

Use an Email Marketing Tool


Leveraging an email marketing tool can streamline your email campaigns, offering features like: 

  • Scheduled sending

  • Audience segmentation

  • Detailed analytics to monitor:

  1. Open rates

  2. Bounce rates

  3. Other vital metrics

Fixing Email Deliverability Issues

When your emails don't get through, primarily if Gmail blocks them or your reputation suffers, it's essential to know the proper steps. This knowledge ensures your emails reach their destinations effectively. 

What to Do If Gmail Blocks Your Emails: Quick Fixes

Encountering a block by Gmail prompts necessary corrective actions. Here are steps to help address and resolve this issue efficiently: 

Understand Gmail's Policies 

Initially, familiarize yourself with the reasons behind Gmail's decision to mark messages as spam, which often relates to the nature of spam emails or certain sending behaviors.

Review Email Practices 

Ensure your emails are free from common spam indicators, such as suspicious links or attachments and misleading subject lines. Employing a reputable email provider and adhering to their recommended practices can also mitigate issues.

Implement Authentication Protocols 

It is crucial to set up email authentication methods like SPF and DKIM. These measures authenticate your emails, making them more acceptable to Gmail and other email service providers.

Bouncing Back: How to Fix a Damaged Reputation

Recovering from a tarnished email sender reputation requires a focused and strategic approach: 

List Hygiene 

Regular maintenance to remove invalid email addresses and subscribers who mark your emails as spam is critical. This action reduces hitting spam traps and ensures your messages reach interested parties.

Adopt Email Best Practices 

Consistently deliver high-quality, relevant content. Employ a double opt-in for new subscribers to confirm their genuine interest in your emails.

Monitor Sender Score 

Use services to check your IP reputation score. If your score is low, you must change your email practices to improve it.

Utilize Warming-Up Services 

Services like Inframail can be instrumental. They help gradually increase the volume of sent emails, ensuring your domain reputation remains intact and possibly improving it by demonstrating good sending habits.

Start Buying Domains Now and Setup Your Email Infrastructure Today


Cold emailing is a numbers game. The more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. And while there is no hard and fast rule for how many emails you can send without being considered spam, the general rule of thumb is that the more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. While there is no hard and fast rule for how many emails you can send without being considered spam, the general rule of thumb is that the more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. This is because emails must first land in the prospect’s inbox before being opened and replied to. 

Cold emailing aims to get as many replies as possible to increase your chances of booking a meeting with a qualified prospect. The problem is that quickly sending too many cold emails can trigger spam filters and drastically reduce deliverability rates. This is why having a good cold email infrastructure is so important. An email infrastructure helps you scale your cold email outreach safely to increase your chances of getting more replies while avoiding spam filters. 

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Picture this: You've crafted the perfect email. The subject line is compelling, the copy is clear and engaging, and your call to action is unmistakable. But instead of opening your email, your recipient's email provider has banished it to the spam folder. Emails get marked as spam for a variety of reasons, and one of those reasons is sending too many emails too quickly. So how many emails can you send before it is considered spam? This article will help you understand the ins and outs of this question so that you can develop effective strategies to improve your cold email deliverability and enhance engagement with your campaigns. 

Inframail's email infrastructure can help you achieve your goals by providing the tools you need to ensure your messages reach the inbox. With Inframail, you can build your email sending reputation so that your hard-earned emails get delivered, instead of routed to the spam folder.

Table of Contents

Why is Avoiding the Spam Folder Important?

gmail loaded up - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam Folders: Where Emails Go to Die

Emails that land in spam folders are like the black sheep of the email family. No one wants them, and they are seldom acknowledged, even if they do contain some valuable information. Instead, they are neglected and forgotten, which can harm both email senders and recipients.

Sure, spam folders exist to protect users from unsolicited and potentially harmful emails. However, what happens when an email from a business an individual has opted to receive goes to the spam folder? Chances are, the person will never see it. This is the immediate consequence of landing in spam: diminished visibility. Most individuals seldom visit their spam folders, leading to an inevitable decrease in open rates. This lack of engagement severely limits the effectiveness of your email campaigns or personal communications, curtailing opportunities for interaction and response. 

Spam Folder Emails Hurt Sender Reputation

Continuous relegation to the spam folder can seriously impair your sender reputation. Email providers use dynamic spam filters that learn from user interactions. A deteriorating sender score increases the likelihood that your emails, including those to explicit subscribers, will be misdirected to spam, further entrenching the problem. 

Wasted Resources

Every email sent represents: 

  • Investment of time

  • Effort

  • Financial resources

Emails that need to catch up by ending up in spam translate to squandered resources, diminishing the return on your investment and reducing the efficiency of your outreach efforts. 

Spam Folders Create Negative Subscriber Experience

For individuals who have opted to receive your communications, consistent misplacement into spam creates a negative user experience. This can lead to missed critical updates or exclusive offers, potentially driving them away or leading to unsubscriptions. 

Spam Folders Can Lead to Legal Trouble

Non-compliance with email communication regulations, like the CAN-SPAM Act, risks your emails being flagged as spam and can entail legal repercussions. Such violations can carry hefty fines, emphasizing the importance of adhering to legal standards in email marketing. 

Spam Folders Lead To Loss of Business or Opportunity

Beyond the immediate impacts, being labeled a spammer can lead to significant losses in business or opportunities. Potential leads may never see your proposals, offers, or partnership requests. This loss of visibility can directly impact your bottom line, stifling growth and hampering the acquisition of new clients or customers.


Related Reading

Automated Lead Generation
Email Prospecting
How to Generate B2B Leads
How to Warm Up Email Domain
Best Time to Send Cold Emails
How to Cold Email
Best Cold Email Templates B2B
Email Outreach Best Practices
Email Outreach Strategy

How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considering Spam?

man checking his mailbox - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Before discussing how many cold emails to send per day, it’s important to understand the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs.

Here are the cold email sending limits for popular email service providers (ESPs):

ESPSending Limit/DayStarting PriceFree TrialG Workspace2000 emails$1.64/user/month14 daysOffice 36510,000 emails$1.73/user/month30 daysYahoo Mail500 emails$5/month14 daysGo Daddy1500 emails$0.41/user/monthN/AHush Mail2000 emails$11.99/monthN/AProtonMail10,000 emails$4.35/user/monthN/A

We have not mentioned the email sending limits from free/personal accounts because it is not recommended to send emails from them as they are more likely to get spammed soon. You should always send cold emails from work email accounts. 

Spam Limits of Cold Emails

You should know the imposed email sending limit and spam limit. In the table, we have mentioned the ESPs' imposed email-sending limits; however, as per best cold emailing practices, NO ONE should send this many emails from one email account.

You should always find the gray area where you can play safe. That’s why we came up with the Spam limits. ESPs do not give spam limits but are something that we have developed after sending cold email campaigns for 7-8 years.

So, what is the Spam Limit? A spam limit is a certain volume of emails sent. After reaching this limit, if you send more emails, they will start going to spam.

How to Warm Up Email Accounts and Protect Domain Reputation for Cold Emailing

We have given the spam limit for G-Workspace and Office 365 as they are the two most commonly used ESPs for cold emailing.

Spam Limit for G-Workspace and Microsoft is 150 emails per email account. We recommend sending 150 emails per day, but not initially. This should only be done after warming up your account for at least a month.

Our cold emailing experts also recommend creating 3-5 email accounts with 1 domain to protect the sender reputation of your domain.

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day

Now, you can use the number of email accounts and the spam limit to determine how many cold emails to send per day with this simple formula:

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day = Spam Limit/Email Addresses in the Campaign

So, in this case, 150 / 3 = 50 emails

This means you can send 50 emails per day from one email account. Once you have built a good sender reputation and hit 150 emails, you can gradually increase the number of cold emails. 

Why Does the Number of Cold Emails You Send Matter?

1. Protecting Your Domain's Deliverability with Cold Email Volume

Cold emails have limits. Whether you are sending cold emails for the first time or the ten-thousandth time, you must be careful not to send too many at once. Doing so can get you into trouble. Remember, every email account has limits on how many cold emails can be sent in a day. 

Email Sending Limits & Spam Risks: How to Keep Your Outreach Out of the Spam Folder

What happens if you cross the limits? There is a high chance of your email account being flagged as spam. In layman’s terms, emails sent from email providers will start landing your emails in recipients’ spam folders. Yes, Google, Outlook, Proton mail, whatever ESP you use to send emails. (I’ll explain the daily email-sending limits later in this blog) 

Why it matters: 

If your emails don’t reach the recipients’ primary inboxes, the time, effort, and money you spend on your outreach campaigns will be wasted. (Being a CEO, marketer, or business professional, you can’t afford that)

2. Saving Your Sender Reputation from Getting Messed Up

Think of your sender reputation as your trust score with email service providers. If you send too many cold emails and don’t get engagement, you are probably damaging your sender’s reputation. Trust me, fixing damaged reputations for email accounts is a difficult job. I have resolved these issues in the past. 

Why it matters: 

A good sender reputation for your email domain helps keep your emails out of spam folders and helps your outreach campaigns achieve the desired results.

3. Improving Engagement Rates of Cold Email Campaigns

Think about which types of emails you would generally like to read first. It doesn’t matter if you have time. Either way, the emails that provide value, teach, or educate you at least have personalization, right? Sending too many emails at once doesn’t work or deliver results in cold email campaigns, especially when the emails are generic. 

Why it matters: 

The quality of emails matters more than the quantity. Domain reputation, the age of the domain, and goals matter, but writing an email draft is more important.

4. Testing and Optimizing Your Cold Email Campaigns

The number of cold email outreach allows you to test and optimize your campaigns based on the results you obtain. The reason is the more emails you send, the more data you collect. Your campaigns’ data lets you understand what works best for you and what does not. (You can name it based on subject lines, CTAs, timing, or the level of personalization.) 

Why it matters: 

Once you analyze your results, you can tweak your email campaigns, which will help you respond more to cold emailing over time.

5. Knowing When to Scale Your Cold Email Outreaching

You must reach more people and grab more opportunities to grow your business. In cold emailing, the number of outreach emails is directly connected to your ability to scale your campaigns. I’ve experienced that you should understand how many emails you can send daily without sacrificing your deliverability score. Finding the correct number for your cold campaigns helps you to scale your outreach efforts accordingly. For example, if you’re starting with a new domain, sending 20 emails daily is enough. 

Finding the Right Cold Email Volume: Balancing Outreach Quantity & Personalization

Over time, you can gradually increase your outreach to 50 emails daily to hit your goals. When deciding how many cold emails to send daily, aiming for 50 to 100 is a reliable range. To stay safe, you can stick to 20 to 50 emails daily. Whenever you email your prospects, ensure you have correctly targeted lists, subject lines, and clear CTAs for your readers. You should emphasize quality and quantity. If your email domain is new, send small numbers or batches of emails. You must find the right balance between email volume and personalization to make your campaigns successful.

How Many Emails Can You Send Before It's Considered Spam?

woman following safety procedures - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam thresholds determine whether your emails land in the inbox or the spam folder. The lower the threshold, the better. If your cold emails trigger a threshold, the emails may get blocked or sent to spam instead of delivered to your prospect’s inbox. Factors determining spam thresholds include ISP policies, email service provider limits, and anti-spam filter algorithms.

How Many Cold Emails Can I Send Safely?

While spam thresholds are hard to predict, general guidelines exist on how many cold emails you can send daily without attracting attention. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended daily limits for different scenarios.

o determine how many cold emails to send, you can use this formula: 

Formula to Determine Cold Emails Per Day per Account

Total email sending limit per domain ÷ Number of email accounts = Emails per account per day.

Example Calculation: 

If your email provider allows 150 emails per domain per day, and you have 3 email accounts, the calculation is 150 ÷ 3 = 50 emails per account per day. Each account can safely send 50 cold emails daily without exceeding the recommended limits.

The most obvious question you would have here is about email sending limits. You might be thinking about sending different ESPs via email. 

Email Sending Limits by Provider

Different email service providers (ESPs) have other limits on how many emails you can send before they classify your messages as spam. If you do hit a provider's limit, the consequence is often that your account gets temporarily suspended or blocked. Below are some quick facts about cold email sending limits for the most prominent providers.

Free Gmail Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

100 messages maximum via SMTP (but 500 emails via browser).

Per hour: 

There is no official information. Sending no more than 20 messages an hour from a free Gmail account is good.

Additional good-to-know: 

If you exceed Gmail’s limit for sending emails, your account will get blocked for 1-24 hours. 

Why You Should Use a Custom Domain for Cold Email Outreach

We usually don’t recommend sending cold email campaigns from a regular free Gmail account but setting up an address on a separate domain using Workspace Google (formerly G Suite) instead. This gives you more excellent opportunities as to the outreach volume and more control over your sending settings. Read more about the difference between a free email account and a custom domain email here. Plus, your recipients will treat you more seriously if they get an email from an address including a business domain rather than from So, if you use a free Gmail account for your outreach, ensure the address looks safe and legitimate to your recipients. 

Cold Email Best Practices: Why Quality Matters More Than Quantity

It’s crucial to remember that controlling the quantity of your outreach is one thing, but there’s also the quality to take care of. If you send poor-quality cold emails without personalization to numerous non-verified addresses, your provider may block you even before you hit the quantity limit. Especially if your provider is Gmail, remember that quality is even more important than quantity in this respect. 

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

2,000 messages (500 on trial)

Per hour:

Officially, there are no hourly limits

Additional good-to-know: 

If you exceed the limits, your account will be blocked for up to 24 hours. Just like in the case of a free Gmail account, the quality of your messages is tremendously essential for deliverability, and poor deliverability may cause your account to be blocked before you even reach the quantity limit. If I get blocked even though I send a limited number of messages, I check my email copy for spam words, broken links, html-to-text rate, and lack of personalization.

Understanding Google Workspace Email Sending Limits & How to Increase Them

If Google’s anti-spam mechanisms find anything that may suggest your emails may be spam, I will get blocked. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it: one of the most effective ways to prevent spam from getting into people’s inboxes is preventing people from sending spam in the first place.

Important Google Workspace information: 

After upgrading your Google Workspace account from trial to premium, you won’t automatically have 2000 messages to send daily. You need to wait to increase your limits. But you can increase the limits sooner. Just read the direct resource on how to do that. 

Office365 Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

10,000 recipients

Per hour: 

There’s no hourly limit, but a limit per minute, which is 30 messages max

Additional good-to-know: 

If you take your outreach seriously, you won’t even get close to the daily limit of Office 365. 10K per day sounds ridiculous for quality email outreach. But be aware of the limit per minute, mainly if you use some automation to send your outbound campaigns. Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

300 emails maximum for verified email addresses with a good reputation. What does it mean that an email address is verified and has a good reputation? determines your email address reputation based on factors such as: 

  • Your email account’s age (if it’s less than 30 days old, your email sending limits are lower)

  • How often do you use my account (the more often, the better my reputation gets)

  • Is my email account verified (you can verify it using this link)?  

GoDaddy (Workspace Email Accounts) Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

250 recipients, but you can increase the limit up to 500 for an extra cost

Per hour: 

Maximum 300 messages per hour; max. 200 messages per minute

Additional good-to-know: 

It’s easy to hit the daily recipients limit if you send a few campaigns with follow-ups using automation. So, if I send a few campaigns with follow-ups, I schedule the messages within all my campaigns for various days of the week. Or, I could use more than one email address to ensure that my first-touch emails and follow-ups don’t overlap in a way that will prevent me from sending them.

How to Avoid Exceeding Email Sending Limits with Woodpecker and GoDaddy

As to the limit per minute, using Woodpecker will prevent you from exceeding it. Even if I were trying very hard to send more, I wouldn’t be able to send more than six emails per minute. Be smart when setting the delivery hours for your messages, though. If I set a single-hour window and decide to send my campaign to more than 300 prospects, I’ll be dangerously close to GoDaddy’s hourly limit.

Rackspace Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

10,000 recipients

Per hour: 

No official information about an hourly limit

Additional good-to-know: 

From my experience, Rackspace pays more attention to the quality of your messages than their quantity. Don’t get easily misled by the 10K daily limit. If I’m sending low-quality emails using Rackspace, I’ll get blocked much sooner than that. Remember that it’s very much about how many of my emails arrive. If they are classified as spam by anti-spam filters or, worse, by my prospects, I may be blocked after just a few hours from hitting ‘send.’ 

BlueHost Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

I couldn’t find direct info about BlueHost’s daily sending limit.

Per hour: 

BlueHost allows for sending a maximum of 150 emails per hour with a frequency of 70 emails per 30 minutes.

Additional good-to-know: 

BlueHost says you can increase the hourly limit once you have a valid reason. Just contact their support team. After I experience an email bounce, I’ll either get a warning or a time-out error. BlueHost will disable my account until it is reviewed. Once the account is cleared, it will be activated within 24 hours. 

DreamHost Email Sending Limit

Per hour: 

100 recipients per hour when it comes to sending a single message

Additional good-to-know: 

A sending frequency of no greater than 25 emails per 15 minutes is required to send 5 different messages to 5 recipients. I can configure an announcement list to send a single email to many recipients. 

Yahoo! Mail Plus Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

Maximum 500 emails a day. Each email can be sent to a maximum of 100 recipients. Each email recipient counts as one email towards the 500 daily limit.

Per hour: 

There is no official information concerning the hourly limit, but some sources claim it’s 100 emails/hour  

Yandex.Mail Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

500 emails (if the email has several recipients, each counts separately towards your total). 

Host Gator Email Sending Limit

Per day: 


Per hour: 

Set to 500 emails per domain – each subdomain gets its limit of 500 emails/hour

Additional good-to-know: 

A mailing list containing over 900 addresses can only be sent during off-peak hours. A mailing list of over 5,000 requires a dedicated server or VPS hosting solution from Host Gator. Dividing the list into smaller ones is not permitted. Such limits shouldn’t worry you, though, as sending such a quantity of emails is against the very idea of cold emailing. Quality above quantity! 

IMPORTANT: Avoid Spikes in Your Mailbox Activity

Setting more extended periods for sending a message to a larger group of prospects is always a good idea because particular messages are being sent less frequently, and there are no spikes in your email account’s activity. If I have an email account dedicated to outbound and barely send anything from this account daily, but then suddenly I’m trying to send 300 emails in one hour, this just looks suspicious to any email provider. The key is to organize my outreach to allow a fluent, steady flow of outgoing messages. 

Why ‘Golden Hours’ Don’t Apply to Cold Email Campaigns

I bet someone has told you at least once in your life that there are some “golden hours” for sending emails (you surely know, the “don’t send on Mondays, send on Tuesdays before lunch” kind of advice). You might be tempted to schedule all my campaigns to be sent on Tuesdays between 10 and 11 a.m. Well, brace yourself and resist this temptation! This isn’t a newsletter—it’s a cold email (check the difference here). 

Finding Your Own 'Golden Hours' for Cold Email Campaigns

And I believe there’s no universal “golden hours” to send emails. You must discover the “golden hours” for your prospect group. And if you send automatically, give your emails more time than just one hour to get sent more naturally to avoid getting blocked for an alarming, unnatural spike in your mailbox activity.

How Can You Send a Higher Volume of Cold Emails Without Putting Your Domain at Risk? 

Now, you must be wondering what if you want to exceed the limit of sending 150 emails per day and scale your cold email outreach efforts to generate more leads. Well, we recommend getting a new email account rather than increasing the number of emails from the same account.

Okay, so now you have multiple email accounts. You have to warm them up over time, keep track of how many emails you send, and gradually increase the number of cold emails. Worried about the time and effort required for manual execution? That’s exactly where cold email automation software like Inframail comes in.

What Will Happen If You Don’t Follow Cold Email Sending Limits? 


Limits are set for a REASON. If you don’t adhere to the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs, your email accounts will most likely be suspended for 24 hours or banned permanently.

If you keep sending many emails from the same email account and a big percentage of emails bounce back due to an exceeded ESP limit, it can seriously harm your sender’s reputation and risk your brand image. 

Other Mistakes to Avoid While Sending Cold Emails?

Here are some common cold email mistakes that are non-negotiables; otherwise, no one can save you from landing in the spam folder: 

1. Forgetting to Warm Up Your Email Accounts

We have stressed this point since the start of our blog. You can’t take an email address and start shooting 100 emails from your inboxes. Otherwise, ESPs will see you as a spammer. 

You have to warm up your email accounts slowly over time. You can either warm up your email accounts or use warm-up tools to automate the entire process. Although email warmup tools can cost you a few bucks, they are totally worth it, considering the benefits. 

2. Using Your Primary Domains To Send Cold Emails

Using your primary domain for cold emailing is the worst mistake. We know you are sending emails legitimately, but there is a slight probability that they will mark them as spam.

If you use your primary domain, you are putting its reputation at a direct risk. (Think about it!) Otherwise, all your brand communications will be hampered; reserve emails from your primary domain for internal team communications and opt-in marketing emails. 

3. Not Buying Email List From a Reliable Source

Another cold email mistake we have encountered among our users is not buying email lists from credible sources. When you send emails to invalid addresses, they will bounce back, damaging your sender’s reputation. Make sure you avoid this mistake at all costs. 

4. Not Using Relevant Subject Lines

Do you know why many cold emails go unnoticed? Because they are not sending emails with relevant subject lines. Hence, you should always send your cold emails with relevant cold email subject lines that are: 

  • Shorter

  • Personalized

  • Interesting

5. Not A/Z Testing Your Cold Emails 

If you want to see an increase in metrics like open rate, reply rate, etc., then you should test them. Running A-Z tests can help you understand your prospects better. You can send different variants of subject lines, CTAs, and email copies that resonate more with your target prospects.

6. BTW, beware of spikes in your mailbox activity

It’s always a good idea to set longer periods for sending a message to a larger group of prospects because particular messages are being sent less frequently, and there are no spikes in your email account’s activity. If you have an email account dedicated for outbound and barely send anything from this account daily, but suddenly you’re trying to send 300 emails in one hour, this looks suspicious to any email provider. 

The key is to organize your outreach to allow a fluent, steady flow of outgoing messages.

Finding the Best Send Times for Cold Emails: Why ‘Golden Hours’ Don’t Always Apply

I bet someone has told you at least once in your life that there are some “golden hours” for sending emails (you surely know, the “don’t send on Mondays, send on Tuesdays before lunch” kind of advice). So you might be tempted to schedule all your campaigns to be sent on Tuesdays between 10 and 11 am. Well, brace yourself and resist this temptation! This isn’t a newsletter – it’s cold email (check the difference here).

And I believe there’s no universal “golden hours” to send emails. You must discover the “golden hours” for your prospect group. And if you send automatically, give your emails more time than just one hour to get sent more naturally to avoid getting blocked for an alarming, unnatural spike in your mailbox activity.

Related Reading

Best Cold Email Software
How Long Should a Cold Email Be
B2B Cold Email Response Rates
How to Improve Email Deliverability
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Best Email Deliverability Tools
Sales Email Automation Tools
Email Scraping Tools
Best Sales Prospecting Tools
Email Warm Up Tools
Email Personalization Tools
Mailscale Alternatives
Mailforge Alternatives

Best Practices to Keep Your Emails Out of the Spam Folder

man following best practices - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam filters act as gatekeepers, determining whether your email message deserves a spot in the recipient's primary inbox or the spam folder. Here’s how to ensure visibility: 

Know the Filters

Email providers use spam filters to protect users from unwanted emails. Familiarizing yourself with these filters, especially Gmail spam filters, can help you understand what triggers them.

Avoid Spam Triggers

Certain behaviors, like sending bulk emails with invalid email addresses or using suspicious subject lines, can trigger spam filters. Ensuring your email content is: 

  • Clear

  • Relevant

  • Engaging minimizes the risk

Did You Know? Intriguing Facts About Spam Traps

Spam Traps Are Like Hidden Digital Moles 

Did you know that email service providers and anti-spam organizations secretly sprinkle the internet with spam traps? These aren't regular email addresses; they're designed to catch and block spammers, significantly harming sender reputation.

They Come in Disguises

Spam traps can look just like any other email address. Some are recycled from old, inactive accounts, while others are created to lure in spammers. This means regular list hygiene is crucial to avoid these traps.

A Spam Trap Can Age Like Fine Wine 

The longer a spam trap exists, the more effective it becomes. Over time, these addresses are distributed across various blacklists, becoming more potent in identifying and penalizing improper list management practices.

Protect Your Sender Score to Improve Email Deliverability

Your sender score is like a credit rating for your email domain, influencing whether your emails are delivered to the inbox or marked as spam. 

Here's how to safeguard it: 

Monitor Your Email Practices

Regularly check for spam traps and avoid behaviors considered spam, such as inconsistent sending frequency or sending mass emails without personalization.

Adopt Best Practices

Utilize a sender policy framework (SPF) and maintain a clean list of email addresses to send bulk emails without falling into spam traps. Also, engaging your target audience with relevant content ensures your emails are anticipated and welcomed.

How to Send Bulk Emails Without Risking Blacklisting

Sending bulk emails requires a delicate balance to avoid the pitfalls of blacklisting. 

Here’s how to proceed: 

Mind Your Email Addresses

Ensure every email on your list is valid. Regularly cleaning your list reduces bounce rates and avoids spam traps.

Content Matters

Every email message should provide value to your recipients. Avoid spammy content that could trigger spam filters and lead to poor domain reputation.

Clean IP Addresses and Avoiding Spam Traps: What You Need to Know

Your IP address is like your email's fingerprint. A clean IP suggests trustworthy sending practices, while a compromised one can lead to blacklisting.

Avoiding Spam Traps: Spam traps look like regular email addresses but are used to catch spammers. Sending mail to just a few can harm your sender score. Regular list maintenance and sender policy framework (SPF) checks can help avoid these pitfalls.

Use Double Opt-In and Manage Email Frequency

Double Opt-In

This process ensures those receiving your emails genuinely want them, enhancing engagement and protecting your sender reputation.

Email Frequency

Find the sweet spot in your sending frequency. Too many emails can annoy subscribers and lead to spam complaints, while too few may diminish your visibility.

Enhancements for Your Emails: Driving Engagement and Conversion

Increased Website Traffic and Conversions

Tailor your email marketing campaigns with compelling calls to action and links to your website.

Measurable Results and Analytics

Use analytics to track the performance of your email campaigns, adjusting strategies based on data.

Personalization and Customization

To ensure content relevance, address your recipients by name and segment your email lists.

Cost-Effective Communication

Email remains one of the most cost-effective marketing tools, allowing for significant ROI.

Increased Reach and Audience Engagement

Engaging content captivates and expands your audience as your emails are shared beyond the initial recipient list.

Increasing Your Sender Reputation: Simple Steps

A strong sender reputation improves deliverability and lowers the risk of getting blacklisted. Let's discuss establishing and keeping a good sender reputation by following best practices in your email campaigns.

Use Reliable IP Addresses 

Consistency is Key: Using a dedicated IP address for sending bulk emails can help maintain a consistent sender reputation. Most email service providers recommend this for volume senders.

Check IP Reputation

Before sending out a mass email campaign, verify that your IP address isn't already on a blacklist. A clean IP address is crucial for avoiding spam traps and maintaining a positive reputation.

Avoid Using Dodgy Links and Attachments 

Quality Over Quantity: Ensure every link and attachment in your email messages is relevant and safe. Malicious or broken links can trigger spam filters, damaging your reputation.

Scan for Malware

Use outbound security protocol checks to ensure that attachments are virus-free. This precaution helps avoid your emails being marked as spam or infecting your recipients' systems.

Use a Double Opt-In

Consent Matters

Implementing a double opt-in process for new email addresses helps ensure that your recipients genuinely want to receive your communications, reducing the likelihood of spam complaints.

Build Engagement 

This approach protects your sender score and builds a more engaged and interested audience for your marketing emails.

Use a Good SMTP Server

Reliability and Security

Choosing a reputable email service provider with a robust SMTP server ensures your bulk emails are sent securely and reliably, minimizing delivery issues and spam filter triggers.

Set Up DKIM, DMARC, and SPF Records Correctly

Proper setup of these email authentication methods verifies your email's origin and legitimacy, significantly boosting email deliverability and protecting your sender domain from spoofing.

Keep a check on the sending frequency.

Maintaining an optimal sending frequency is essential. Overloading your subscribers with too many emails can lead to higher unsubscribe rates and spam complaints while sending too infrequently might diminish your presence in their inbox.

Include an Unsubscribe Link

Providing a clear and accessible unsubscribe link in every email campaign is a best practice and a legal requirement under laws like the CAN-SPAM Act. It helps maintain a healthy email list and a positive sending reputation.

Use an Email Marketing Tool


Leveraging an email marketing tool can streamline your email campaigns, offering features like: 

  • Scheduled sending

  • Audience segmentation

  • Detailed analytics to monitor:

  1. Open rates

  2. Bounce rates

  3. Other vital metrics

Fixing Email Deliverability Issues

When your emails don't get through, primarily if Gmail blocks them or your reputation suffers, it's essential to know the proper steps. This knowledge ensures your emails reach their destinations effectively. 

What to Do If Gmail Blocks Your Emails: Quick Fixes

Encountering a block by Gmail prompts necessary corrective actions. Here are steps to help address and resolve this issue efficiently: 

Understand Gmail's Policies 

Initially, familiarize yourself with the reasons behind Gmail's decision to mark messages as spam, which often relates to the nature of spam emails or certain sending behaviors.

Review Email Practices 

Ensure your emails are free from common spam indicators, such as suspicious links or attachments and misleading subject lines. Employing a reputable email provider and adhering to their recommended practices can also mitigate issues.

Implement Authentication Protocols 

It is crucial to set up email authentication methods like SPF and DKIM. These measures authenticate your emails, making them more acceptable to Gmail and other email service providers.

Bouncing Back: How to Fix a Damaged Reputation

Recovering from a tarnished email sender reputation requires a focused and strategic approach: 

List Hygiene 

Regular maintenance to remove invalid email addresses and subscribers who mark your emails as spam is critical. This action reduces hitting spam traps and ensures your messages reach interested parties.

Adopt Email Best Practices 

Consistently deliver high-quality, relevant content. Employ a double opt-in for new subscribers to confirm their genuine interest in your emails.

Monitor Sender Score 

Use services to check your IP reputation score. If your score is low, you must change your email practices to improve it.

Utilize Warming-Up Services 

Services like Inframail can be instrumental. They help gradually increase the volume of sent emails, ensuring your domain reputation remains intact and possibly improving it by demonstrating good sending habits.

Start Buying Domains Now and Setup Your Email Infrastructure Today


Cold emailing is a numbers game. The more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. And while there is no hard and fast rule for how many emails you can send without being considered spam, the general rule of thumb is that the more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. While there is no hard and fast rule for how many emails you can send without being considered spam, the general rule of thumb is that the more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. This is because emails must first land in the prospect’s inbox before being opened and replied to. 

Cold emailing aims to get as many replies as possible to increase your chances of booking a meeting with a qualified prospect. The problem is that quickly sending too many cold emails can trigger spam filters and drastically reduce deliverability rates. This is why having a good cold email infrastructure is so important. An email infrastructure helps you scale your cold email outreach safely to increase your chances of getting more replies while avoiding spam filters. 

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Picture this: You've crafted the perfect email. The subject line is compelling, the copy is clear and engaging, and your call to action is unmistakable. But instead of opening your email, your recipient's email provider has banished it to the spam folder. Emails get marked as spam for a variety of reasons, and one of those reasons is sending too many emails too quickly. So how many emails can you send before it is considered spam? This article will help you understand the ins and outs of this question so that you can develop effective strategies to improve your cold email deliverability and enhance engagement with your campaigns. 

Inframail's email infrastructure can help you achieve your goals by providing the tools you need to ensure your messages reach the inbox. With Inframail, you can build your email sending reputation so that your hard-earned emails get delivered, instead of routed to the spam folder.

Table of Contents

Why is Avoiding the Spam Folder Important?

gmail loaded up - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam Folders: Where Emails Go to Die

Emails that land in spam folders are like the black sheep of the email family. No one wants them, and they are seldom acknowledged, even if they do contain some valuable information. Instead, they are neglected and forgotten, which can harm both email senders and recipients.

Sure, spam folders exist to protect users from unsolicited and potentially harmful emails. However, what happens when an email from a business an individual has opted to receive goes to the spam folder? Chances are, the person will never see it. This is the immediate consequence of landing in spam: diminished visibility. Most individuals seldom visit their spam folders, leading to an inevitable decrease in open rates. This lack of engagement severely limits the effectiveness of your email campaigns or personal communications, curtailing opportunities for interaction and response. 

Spam Folder Emails Hurt Sender Reputation

Continuous relegation to the spam folder can seriously impair your sender reputation. Email providers use dynamic spam filters that learn from user interactions. A deteriorating sender score increases the likelihood that your emails, including those to explicit subscribers, will be misdirected to spam, further entrenching the problem. 

Wasted Resources

Every email sent represents: 

  • Investment of time

  • Effort

  • Financial resources

Emails that need to catch up by ending up in spam translate to squandered resources, diminishing the return on your investment and reducing the efficiency of your outreach efforts. 

Spam Folders Create Negative Subscriber Experience

For individuals who have opted to receive your communications, consistent misplacement into spam creates a negative user experience. This can lead to missed critical updates or exclusive offers, potentially driving them away or leading to unsubscriptions. 

Spam Folders Can Lead to Legal Trouble

Non-compliance with email communication regulations, like the CAN-SPAM Act, risks your emails being flagged as spam and can entail legal repercussions. Such violations can carry hefty fines, emphasizing the importance of adhering to legal standards in email marketing. 

Spam Folders Lead To Loss of Business or Opportunity

Beyond the immediate impacts, being labeled a spammer can lead to significant losses in business or opportunities. Potential leads may never see your proposals, offers, or partnership requests. This loss of visibility can directly impact your bottom line, stifling growth and hampering the acquisition of new clients or customers.


Related Reading

Automated Lead Generation
Email Prospecting
How to Generate B2B Leads
How to Warm Up Email Domain
Best Time to Send Cold Emails
How to Cold Email
Best Cold Email Templates B2B
Email Outreach Best Practices
Email Outreach Strategy

How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considering Spam?

man checking his mailbox - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Before discussing how many cold emails to send per day, it’s important to understand the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs.

Here are the cold email sending limits for popular email service providers (ESPs):

ESPSending Limit/DayStarting PriceFree TrialG Workspace2000 emails$1.64/user/month14 daysOffice 36510,000 emails$1.73/user/month30 daysYahoo Mail500 emails$5/month14 daysGo Daddy1500 emails$0.41/user/monthN/AHush Mail2000 emails$11.99/monthN/AProtonMail10,000 emails$4.35/user/monthN/A

We have not mentioned the email sending limits from free/personal accounts because it is not recommended to send emails from them as they are more likely to get spammed soon. You should always send cold emails from work email accounts. 

Spam Limits of Cold Emails

You should know the imposed email sending limit and spam limit. In the table, we have mentioned the ESPs' imposed email-sending limits; however, as per best cold emailing practices, NO ONE should send this many emails from one email account.

You should always find the gray area where you can play safe. That’s why we came up with the Spam limits. ESPs do not give spam limits but are something that we have developed after sending cold email campaigns for 7-8 years.

So, what is the Spam Limit? A spam limit is a certain volume of emails sent. After reaching this limit, if you send more emails, they will start going to spam.

How to Warm Up Email Accounts and Protect Domain Reputation for Cold Emailing

We have given the spam limit for G-Workspace and Office 365 as they are the two most commonly used ESPs for cold emailing.

Spam Limit for G-Workspace and Microsoft is 150 emails per email account. We recommend sending 150 emails per day, but not initially. This should only be done after warming up your account for at least a month.

Our cold emailing experts also recommend creating 3-5 email accounts with 1 domain to protect the sender reputation of your domain.

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day

Now, you can use the number of email accounts and the spam limit to determine how many cold emails to send per day with this simple formula:

How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day = Spam Limit/Email Addresses in the Campaign

So, in this case, 150 / 3 = 50 emails

This means you can send 50 emails per day from one email account. Once you have built a good sender reputation and hit 150 emails, you can gradually increase the number of cold emails. 

Why Does the Number of Cold Emails You Send Matter?

1. Protecting Your Domain's Deliverability with Cold Email Volume

Cold emails have limits. Whether you are sending cold emails for the first time or the ten-thousandth time, you must be careful not to send too many at once. Doing so can get you into trouble. Remember, every email account has limits on how many cold emails can be sent in a day. 

Email Sending Limits & Spam Risks: How to Keep Your Outreach Out of the Spam Folder

What happens if you cross the limits? There is a high chance of your email account being flagged as spam. In layman’s terms, emails sent from email providers will start landing your emails in recipients’ spam folders. Yes, Google, Outlook, Proton mail, whatever ESP you use to send emails. (I’ll explain the daily email-sending limits later in this blog) 

Why it matters: 

If your emails don’t reach the recipients’ primary inboxes, the time, effort, and money you spend on your outreach campaigns will be wasted. (Being a CEO, marketer, or business professional, you can’t afford that)

2. Saving Your Sender Reputation from Getting Messed Up

Think of your sender reputation as your trust score with email service providers. If you send too many cold emails and don’t get engagement, you are probably damaging your sender’s reputation. Trust me, fixing damaged reputations for email accounts is a difficult job. I have resolved these issues in the past. 

Why it matters: 

A good sender reputation for your email domain helps keep your emails out of spam folders and helps your outreach campaigns achieve the desired results.

3. Improving Engagement Rates of Cold Email Campaigns

Think about which types of emails you would generally like to read first. It doesn’t matter if you have time. Either way, the emails that provide value, teach, or educate you at least have personalization, right? Sending too many emails at once doesn’t work or deliver results in cold email campaigns, especially when the emails are generic. 

Why it matters: 

The quality of emails matters more than the quantity. Domain reputation, the age of the domain, and goals matter, but writing an email draft is more important.

4. Testing and Optimizing Your Cold Email Campaigns

The number of cold email outreach allows you to test and optimize your campaigns based on the results you obtain. The reason is the more emails you send, the more data you collect. Your campaigns’ data lets you understand what works best for you and what does not. (You can name it based on subject lines, CTAs, timing, or the level of personalization.) 

Why it matters: 

Once you analyze your results, you can tweak your email campaigns, which will help you respond more to cold emailing over time.

5. Knowing When to Scale Your Cold Email Outreaching

You must reach more people and grab more opportunities to grow your business. In cold emailing, the number of outreach emails is directly connected to your ability to scale your campaigns. I’ve experienced that you should understand how many emails you can send daily without sacrificing your deliverability score. Finding the correct number for your cold campaigns helps you to scale your outreach efforts accordingly. For example, if you’re starting with a new domain, sending 20 emails daily is enough. 

Finding the Right Cold Email Volume: Balancing Outreach Quantity & Personalization

Over time, you can gradually increase your outreach to 50 emails daily to hit your goals. When deciding how many cold emails to send daily, aiming for 50 to 100 is a reliable range. To stay safe, you can stick to 20 to 50 emails daily. Whenever you email your prospects, ensure you have correctly targeted lists, subject lines, and clear CTAs for your readers. You should emphasize quality and quantity. If your email domain is new, send small numbers or batches of emails. You must find the right balance between email volume and personalization to make your campaigns successful.

How Many Emails Can You Send Before It's Considered Spam?

woman following safety procedures - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam thresholds determine whether your emails land in the inbox or the spam folder. The lower the threshold, the better. If your cold emails trigger a threshold, the emails may get blocked or sent to spam instead of delivered to your prospect’s inbox. Factors determining spam thresholds include ISP policies, email service provider limits, and anti-spam filter algorithms.

How Many Cold Emails Can I Send Safely?

While spam thresholds are hard to predict, general guidelines exist on how many cold emails you can send daily without attracting attention. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended daily limits for different scenarios.

o determine how many cold emails to send, you can use this formula: 

Formula to Determine Cold Emails Per Day per Account

Total email sending limit per domain ÷ Number of email accounts = Emails per account per day.

Example Calculation: 

If your email provider allows 150 emails per domain per day, and you have 3 email accounts, the calculation is 150 ÷ 3 = 50 emails per account per day. Each account can safely send 50 cold emails daily without exceeding the recommended limits.

The most obvious question you would have here is about email sending limits. You might be thinking about sending different ESPs via email. 

Email Sending Limits by Provider

Different email service providers (ESPs) have other limits on how many emails you can send before they classify your messages as spam. If you do hit a provider's limit, the consequence is often that your account gets temporarily suspended or blocked. Below are some quick facts about cold email sending limits for the most prominent providers.

Free Gmail Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

100 messages maximum via SMTP (but 500 emails via browser).

Per hour: 

There is no official information. Sending no more than 20 messages an hour from a free Gmail account is good.

Additional good-to-know: 

If you exceed Gmail’s limit for sending emails, your account will get blocked for 1-24 hours. 

Why You Should Use a Custom Domain for Cold Email Outreach

We usually don’t recommend sending cold email campaigns from a regular free Gmail account but setting up an address on a separate domain using Workspace Google (formerly G Suite) instead. This gives you more excellent opportunities as to the outreach volume and more control over your sending settings. Read more about the difference between a free email account and a custom domain email here. Plus, your recipients will treat you more seriously if they get an email from an address including a business domain rather than from So, if you use a free Gmail account for your outreach, ensure the address looks safe and legitimate to your recipients. 

Cold Email Best Practices: Why Quality Matters More Than Quantity

It’s crucial to remember that controlling the quantity of your outreach is one thing, but there’s also the quality to take care of. If you send poor-quality cold emails without personalization to numerous non-verified addresses, your provider may block you even before you hit the quantity limit. Especially if your provider is Gmail, remember that quality is even more important than quantity in this respect. 

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

2,000 messages (500 on trial)

Per hour:

Officially, there are no hourly limits

Additional good-to-know: 

If you exceed the limits, your account will be blocked for up to 24 hours. Just like in the case of a free Gmail account, the quality of your messages is tremendously essential for deliverability, and poor deliverability may cause your account to be blocked before you even reach the quantity limit. If I get blocked even though I send a limited number of messages, I check my email copy for spam words, broken links, html-to-text rate, and lack of personalization.

Understanding Google Workspace Email Sending Limits & How to Increase Them

If Google’s anti-spam mechanisms find anything that may suggest your emails may be spam, I will get blocked. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it: one of the most effective ways to prevent spam from getting into people’s inboxes is preventing people from sending spam in the first place.

Important Google Workspace information: 

After upgrading your Google Workspace account from trial to premium, you won’t automatically have 2000 messages to send daily. You need to wait to increase your limits. But you can increase the limits sooner. Just read the direct resource on how to do that. 

Office365 Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

10,000 recipients

Per hour: 

There’s no hourly limit, but a limit per minute, which is 30 messages max

Additional good-to-know: 

If you take your outreach seriously, you won’t even get close to the daily limit of Office 365. 10K per day sounds ridiculous for quality email outreach. But be aware of the limit per minute, mainly if you use some automation to send your outbound campaigns. Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

300 emails maximum for verified email addresses with a good reputation. What does it mean that an email address is verified and has a good reputation? determines your email address reputation based on factors such as: 

  • Your email account’s age (if it’s less than 30 days old, your email sending limits are lower)

  • How often do you use my account (the more often, the better my reputation gets)

  • Is my email account verified (you can verify it using this link)?  

GoDaddy (Workspace Email Accounts) Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

250 recipients, but you can increase the limit up to 500 for an extra cost

Per hour: 

Maximum 300 messages per hour; max. 200 messages per minute

Additional good-to-know: 

It’s easy to hit the daily recipients limit if you send a few campaigns with follow-ups using automation. So, if I send a few campaigns with follow-ups, I schedule the messages within all my campaigns for various days of the week. Or, I could use more than one email address to ensure that my first-touch emails and follow-ups don’t overlap in a way that will prevent me from sending them.

How to Avoid Exceeding Email Sending Limits with Woodpecker and GoDaddy

As to the limit per minute, using Woodpecker will prevent you from exceeding it. Even if I were trying very hard to send more, I wouldn’t be able to send more than six emails per minute. Be smart when setting the delivery hours for your messages, though. If I set a single-hour window and decide to send my campaign to more than 300 prospects, I’ll be dangerously close to GoDaddy’s hourly limit.

Rackspace Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

10,000 recipients

Per hour: 

No official information about an hourly limit

Additional good-to-know: 

From my experience, Rackspace pays more attention to the quality of your messages than their quantity. Don’t get easily misled by the 10K daily limit. If I’m sending low-quality emails using Rackspace, I’ll get blocked much sooner than that. Remember that it’s very much about how many of my emails arrive. If they are classified as spam by anti-spam filters or, worse, by my prospects, I may be blocked after just a few hours from hitting ‘send.’ 

BlueHost Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

I couldn’t find direct info about BlueHost’s daily sending limit.

Per hour: 

BlueHost allows for sending a maximum of 150 emails per hour with a frequency of 70 emails per 30 minutes.

Additional good-to-know: 

BlueHost says you can increase the hourly limit once you have a valid reason. Just contact their support team. After I experience an email bounce, I’ll either get a warning or a time-out error. BlueHost will disable my account until it is reviewed. Once the account is cleared, it will be activated within 24 hours. 

DreamHost Email Sending Limit

Per hour: 

100 recipients per hour when it comes to sending a single message

Additional good-to-know: 

A sending frequency of no greater than 25 emails per 15 minutes is required to send 5 different messages to 5 recipients. I can configure an announcement list to send a single email to many recipients. 

Yahoo! Mail Plus Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

Maximum 500 emails a day. Each email can be sent to a maximum of 100 recipients. Each email recipient counts as one email towards the 500 daily limit.

Per hour: 

There is no official information concerning the hourly limit, but some sources claim it’s 100 emails/hour  

Yandex.Mail Email Sending Limit

Per day: 

500 emails (if the email has several recipients, each counts separately towards your total). 

Host Gator Email Sending Limit

Per day: 


Per hour: 

Set to 500 emails per domain – each subdomain gets its limit of 500 emails/hour

Additional good-to-know: 

A mailing list containing over 900 addresses can only be sent during off-peak hours. A mailing list of over 5,000 requires a dedicated server or VPS hosting solution from Host Gator. Dividing the list into smaller ones is not permitted. Such limits shouldn’t worry you, though, as sending such a quantity of emails is against the very idea of cold emailing. Quality above quantity! 

IMPORTANT: Avoid Spikes in Your Mailbox Activity

Setting more extended periods for sending a message to a larger group of prospects is always a good idea because particular messages are being sent less frequently, and there are no spikes in your email account’s activity. If I have an email account dedicated to outbound and barely send anything from this account daily, but then suddenly I’m trying to send 300 emails in one hour, this just looks suspicious to any email provider. The key is to organize my outreach to allow a fluent, steady flow of outgoing messages. 

Why ‘Golden Hours’ Don’t Apply to Cold Email Campaigns

I bet someone has told you at least once in your life that there are some “golden hours” for sending emails (you surely know, the “don’t send on Mondays, send on Tuesdays before lunch” kind of advice). You might be tempted to schedule all my campaigns to be sent on Tuesdays between 10 and 11 a.m. Well, brace yourself and resist this temptation! This isn’t a newsletter—it’s a cold email (check the difference here). 

Finding Your Own 'Golden Hours' for Cold Email Campaigns

And I believe there’s no universal “golden hours” to send emails. You must discover the “golden hours” for your prospect group. And if you send automatically, give your emails more time than just one hour to get sent more naturally to avoid getting blocked for an alarming, unnatural spike in your mailbox activity.

How Can You Send a Higher Volume of Cold Emails Without Putting Your Domain at Risk? 

Now, you must be wondering what if you want to exceed the limit of sending 150 emails per day and scale your cold email outreach efforts to generate more leads. Well, we recommend getting a new email account rather than increasing the number of emails from the same account.

Okay, so now you have multiple email accounts. You have to warm them up over time, keep track of how many emails you send, and gradually increase the number of cold emails. Worried about the time and effort required for manual execution? That’s exactly where cold email automation software like Inframail comes in.

What Will Happen If You Don’t Follow Cold Email Sending Limits? 


Limits are set for a REASON. If you don’t adhere to the cold email sending limits set by the ESPs, your email accounts will most likely be suspended for 24 hours or banned permanently.

If you keep sending many emails from the same email account and a big percentage of emails bounce back due to an exceeded ESP limit, it can seriously harm your sender’s reputation and risk your brand image. 

Other Mistakes to Avoid While Sending Cold Emails?

Here are some common cold email mistakes that are non-negotiables; otherwise, no one can save you from landing in the spam folder: 

1. Forgetting to Warm Up Your Email Accounts

We have stressed this point since the start of our blog. You can’t take an email address and start shooting 100 emails from your inboxes. Otherwise, ESPs will see you as a spammer. 

You have to warm up your email accounts slowly over time. You can either warm up your email accounts or use warm-up tools to automate the entire process. Although email warmup tools can cost you a few bucks, they are totally worth it, considering the benefits. 

2. Using Your Primary Domains To Send Cold Emails

Using your primary domain for cold emailing is the worst mistake. We know you are sending emails legitimately, but there is a slight probability that they will mark them as spam.

If you use your primary domain, you are putting its reputation at a direct risk. (Think about it!) Otherwise, all your brand communications will be hampered; reserve emails from your primary domain for internal team communications and opt-in marketing emails. 

3. Not Buying Email List From a Reliable Source

Another cold email mistake we have encountered among our users is not buying email lists from credible sources. When you send emails to invalid addresses, they will bounce back, damaging your sender’s reputation. Make sure you avoid this mistake at all costs. 

4. Not Using Relevant Subject Lines

Do you know why many cold emails go unnoticed? Because they are not sending emails with relevant subject lines. Hence, you should always send your cold emails with relevant cold email subject lines that are: 

  • Shorter

  • Personalized

  • Interesting

5. Not A/Z Testing Your Cold Emails 

If you want to see an increase in metrics like open rate, reply rate, etc., then you should test them. Running A-Z tests can help you understand your prospects better. You can send different variants of subject lines, CTAs, and email copies that resonate more with your target prospects.

6. BTW, beware of spikes in your mailbox activity

It’s always a good idea to set longer periods for sending a message to a larger group of prospects because particular messages are being sent less frequently, and there are no spikes in your email account’s activity. If you have an email account dedicated for outbound and barely send anything from this account daily, but suddenly you’re trying to send 300 emails in one hour, this looks suspicious to any email provider. 

The key is to organize your outreach to allow a fluent, steady flow of outgoing messages.

Finding the Best Send Times for Cold Emails: Why ‘Golden Hours’ Don’t Always Apply

I bet someone has told you at least once in your life that there are some “golden hours” for sending emails (you surely know, the “don’t send on Mondays, send on Tuesdays before lunch” kind of advice). So you might be tempted to schedule all your campaigns to be sent on Tuesdays between 10 and 11 am. Well, brace yourself and resist this temptation! This isn’t a newsletter – it’s cold email (check the difference here).

And I believe there’s no universal “golden hours” to send emails. You must discover the “golden hours” for your prospect group. And if you send automatically, give your emails more time than just one hour to get sent more naturally to avoid getting blocked for an alarming, unnatural spike in your mailbox activity.

Related Reading

Best Cold Email Software
How Long Should a Cold Email Be
B2B Cold Email Response Rates
How to Improve Email Deliverability
Unlimited Email Hosting
Email Testing Tools
Best Email Deliverability Tools
Sales Email Automation Tools
Email Scraping Tools
Best Sales Prospecting Tools
Email Warm Up Tools
Email Personalization Tools
Mailscale Alternatives
Mailforge Alternatives

Best Practices to Keep Your Emails Out of the Spam Folder

man following best practices - How Many Emails Can You Send Before Considered Spam

Spam filters act as gatekeepers, determining whether your email message deserves a spot in the recipient's primary inbox or the spam folder. Here’s how to ensure visibility: 

Know the Filters

Email providers use spam filters to protect users from unwanted emails. Familiarizing yourself with these filters, especially Gmail spam filters, can help you understand what triggers them.

Avoid Spam Triggers

Certain behaviors, like sending bulk emails with invalid email addresses or using suspicious subject lines, can trigger spam filters. Ensuring your email content is: 

  • Clear

  • Relevant

  • Engaging minimizes the risk

Did You Know? Intriguing Facts About Spam Traps

Spam Traps Are Like Hidden Digital Moles 

Did you know that email service providers and anti-spam organizations secretly sprinkle the internet with spam traps? These aren't regular email addresses; they're designed to catch and block spammers, significantly harming sender reputation.

They Come in Disguises

Spam traps can look just like any other email address. Some are recycled from old, inactive accounts, while others are created to lure in spammers. This means regular list hygiene is crucial to avoid these traps.

A Spam Trap Can Age Like Fine Wine 

The longer a spam trap exists, the more effective it becomes. Over time, these addresses are distributed across various blacklists, becoming more potent in identifying and penalizing improper list management practices.

Protect Your Sender Score to Improve Email Deliverability

Your sender score is like a credit rating for your email domain, influencing whether your emails are delivered to the inbox or marked as spam. 

Here's how to safeguard it: 

Monitor Your Email Practices

Regularly check for spam traps and avoid behaviors considered spam, such as inconsistent sending frequency or sending mass emails without personalization.

Adopt Best Practices

Utilize a sender policy framework (SPF) and maintain a clean list of email addresses to send bulk emails without falling into spam traps. Also, engaging your target audience with relevant content ensures your emails are anticipated and welcomed.

How to Send Bulk Emails Without Risking Blacklisting

Sending bulk emails requires a delicate balance to avoid the pitfalls of blacklisting. 

Here’s how to proceed: 

Mind Your Email Addresses

Ensure every email on your list is valid. Regularly cleaning your list reduces bounce rates and avoids spam traps.

Content Matters

Every email message should provide value to your recipients. Avoid spammy content that could trigger spam filters and lead to poor domain reputation.

Clean IP Addresses and Avoiding Spam Traps: What You Need to Know

Your IP address is like your email's fingerprint. A clean IP suggests trustworthy sending practices, while a compromised one can lead to blacklisting.

Avoiding Spam Traps: Spam traps look like regular email addresses but are used to catch spammers. Sending mail to just a few can harm your sender score. Regular list maintenance and sender policy framework (SPF) checks can help avoid these pitfalls.

Use Double Opt-In and Manage Email Frequency

Double Opt-In

This process ensures those receiving your emails genuinely want them, enhancing engagement and protecting your sender reputation.

Email Frequency

Find the sweet spot in your sending frequency. Too many emails can annoy subscribers and lead to spam complaints, while too few may diminish your visibility.

Enhancements for Your Emails: Driving Engagement and Conversion

Increased Website Traffic and Conversions

Tailor your email marketing campaigns with compelling calls to action and links to your website.

Measurable Results and Analytics

Use analytics to track the performance of your email campaigns, adjusting strategies based on data.

Personalization and Customization

To ensure content relevance, address your recipients by name and segment your email lists.

Cost-Effective Communication

Email remains one of the most cost-effective marketing tools, allowing for significant ROI.

Increased Reach and Audience Engagement

Engaging content captivates and expands your audience as your emails are shared beyond the initial recipient list.

Increasing Your Sender Reputation: Simple Steps

A strong sender reputation improves deliverability and lowers the risk of getting blacklisted. Let's discuss establishing and keeping a good sender reputation by following best practices in your email campaigns.

Use Reliable IP Addresses 

Consistency is Key: Using a dedicated IP address for sending bulk emails can help maintain a consistent sender reputation. Most email service providers recommend this for volume senders.

Check IP Reputation

Before sending out a mass email campaign, verify that your IP address isn't already on a blacklist. A clean IP address is crucial for avoiding spam traps and maintaining a positive reputation.

Avoid Using Dodgy Links and Attachments 

Quality Over Quantity: Ensure every link and attachment in your email messages is relevant and safe. Malicious or broken links can trigger spam filters, damaging your reputation.

Scan for Malware

Use outbound security protocol checks to ensure that attachments are virus-free. This precaution helps avoid your emails being marked as spam or infecting your recipients' systems.

Use a Double Opt-In

Consent Matters

Implementing a double opt-in process for new email addresses helps ensure that your recipients genuinely want to receive your communications, reducing the likelihood of spam complaints.

Build Engagement 

This approach protects your sender score and builds a more engaged and interested audience for your marketing emails.

Use a Good SMTP Server

Reliability and Security

Choosing a reputable email service provider with a robust SMTP server ensures your bulk emails are sent securely and reliably, minimizing delivery issues and spam filter triggers.

Set Up DKIM, DMARC, and SPF Records Correctly

Proper setup of these email authentication methods verifies your email's origin and legitimacy, significantly boosting email deliverability and protecting your sender domain from spoofing.

Keep a check on the sending frequency.

Maintaining an optimal sending frequency is essential. Overloading your subscribers with too many emails can lead to higher unsubscribe rates and spam complaints while sending too infrequently might diminish your presence in their inbox.

Include an Unsubscribe Link

Providing a clear and accessible unsubscribe link in every email campaign is a best practice and a legal requirement under laws like the CAN-SPAM Act. It helps maintain a healthy email list and a positive sending reputation.

Use an Email Marketing Tool


Leveraging an email marketing tool can streamline your email campaigns, offering features like: 

  • Scheduled sending

  • Audience segmentation

  • Detailed analytics to monitor:

  1. Open rates

  2. Bounce rates

  3. Other vital metrics

Fixing Email Deliverability Issues

When your emails don't get through, primarily if Gmail blocks them or your reputation suffers, it's essential to know the proper steps. This knowledge ensures your emails reach their destinations effectively. 

What to Do If Gmail Blocks Your Emails: Quick Fixes

Encountering a block by Gmail prompts necessary corrective actions. Here are steps to help address and resolve this issue efficiently: 

Understand Gmail's Policies 

Initially, familiarize yourself with the reasons behind Gmail's decision to mark messages as spam, which often relates to the nature of spam emails or certain sending behaviors.

Review Email Practices 

Ensure your emails are free from common spam indicators, such as suspicious links or attachments and misleading subject lines. Employing a reputable email provider and adhering to their recommended practices can also mitigate issues.

Implement Authentication Protocols 

It is crucial to set up email authentication methods like SPF and DKIM. These measures authenticate your emails, making them more acceptable to Gmail and other email service providers.

Bouncing Back: How to Fix a Damaged Reputation

Recovering from a tarnished email sender reputation requires a focused and strategic approach: 

List Hygiene 

Regular maintenance to remove invalid email addresses and subscribers who mark your emails as spam is critical. This action reduces hitting spam traps and ensures your messages reach interested parties.

Adopt Email Best Practices 

Consistently deliver high-quality, relevant content. Employ a double opt-in for new subscribers to confirm their genuine interest in your emails.

Monitor Sender Score 

Use services to check your IP reputation score. If your score is low, you must change your email practices to improve it.

Utilize Warming-Up Services 

Services like Inframail can be instrumental. They help gradually increase the volume of sent emails, ensuring your domain reputation remains intact and possibly improving it by demonstrating good sending habits.

Start Buying Domains Now and Setup Your Email Infrastructure Today


Cold emailing is a numbers game. The more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. And while there is no hard and fast rule for how many emails you can send without being considered spam, the general rule of thumb is that the more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. While there is no hard and fast rule for how many emails you can send without being considered spam, the general rule of thumb is that the more emails you send, the more replies you will receive. This is because emails must first land in the prospect’s inbox before being opened and replied to. 

Cold emailing aims to get as many replies as possible to increase your chances of booking a meeting with a qualified prospect. The problem is that quickly sending too many cold emails can trigger spam filters and drastically reduce deliverability rates. This is why having a good cold email infrastructure is so important. An email infrastructure helps you scale your cold email outreach safely to increase your chances of getting more replies while avoiding spam filters. 

Related Reading

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